About Us

Rose Valley Vets is an independent small animal veterinary practice, established in 2020 in Burnley, Lancashire. The practice is part of a Grade II listed building that has been renovated into a purpose built clinic boasting modern diagnostic utilities, two fully equipped surgical theatres, in-house laboratory, x-ray, ultrasound, endoscope and a range of reproductive facilities.

The practice has recently extended (Autumn 2022) to include a hospital ward for our in-patients. This allows our care to extend throughout the night, ensuring your pet stays with the people you and your pet know and trust during their critical time in recovery. Furthermore, the building has a separate isolation ward allowing us to cater for those pets that require veterinary intensive treatment but are unable to be housed with other animals.

Veterinary expertise is provided by:-
Francesca Bard DVM GPCert(SAS) MRCVS
Graduating from Budapest in 2017, she initially worked in a mixed practice. However, her keen interest in small animal soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery led her to opening her own practice and going on to achieving her Post Graduate Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2023.

Neel Bolaky DVM MRCVS, graduated from Budapest but is originally from Mauritius! He has a keen interest in soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery.

Exceptional nursing is provided by RVN's Graeme Johnson-Owen, Isabella Oakley and Daryl Bannister.
The nurses run a variety of nurse clinics such as senior pet health checks, weight clinics and puppy socialisation throughout the week. To find out more, please get in touch.

Animal care assistants work very closely with the nursing team to ensure a smooth recovery from surgery and provide the upmost care to your pet.

Robyn Morris and Mel Barton are always on hand at reception to answer any query and to arrange any appointment you may require. Having just the two receptionists aids continuity with our clients and ensures all enquiries are dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Rose Valley offers all the services expected of a first opinion practice such as puppy and kitten vaccination packages, consults for any issue that may arise and our fully equipped surgical theatres can accommodate most surgeries from routine neuters to the more involved orthopaedic.

If you have any queries relating to the services we at Rose Valley Vets can provide, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

We look forward to meeting you and your pet!

Francesca Bard DVM GPCert(SAS) MRCVS

Owner and Head Veterinarian

Neel Bolaky DVM MRCVS

Veterinary Surgeon

Graeme Johnson-Owen

Head Veterinary Nurse

Isabella Oakley

Registered Veterinary Nurse

Daryl Bannister

Registered Veterinary Nurse

Robyn Morris


Mel Barton
